This easy homemade blue cheese dressing is extra creamy and perfect for tossing with salad or used as a dipping sauce. Depending on what you plan to use...
This mint salad dressing recipe is refreshing, delicious and easy to make! You'll need fresh mint, lemon juice, olive oil, Dijon mustard, and honey or...
This Classic Creamy Italian Salad Dressing recipe is one for the books! It's packed with delicious herbs and makes the perfect creamy addition to any garden...
Healthy Ranch Dressing with Greek yogurt is creamy, made with wholesome ingredients, and can be used in salads, as a veggie dip or for air fryer chicken...
Love ginger? You'll love this homemade salad dressing recipe! It's full of fresh ginger flavor, balanced by a touch of maple syrup and apple cider vinegar....
This is the very BEST kale salad dressing recipe ever. I know that is a big claim, but I've been told it so many times and by so many people that it must...
This creamy honey-mustard salad dressing recipe is lightened up with Greek yogurt. No mayo here! It's so easy to whisk this dressing together. Recipe yields...
This homemade balsamic dressing recipe is a top Google search for a reason-it goes with just about everything! It's super simple to whip up a batch and...
With this Simplest Asian Dressing, the delicate flavor of rice vinegar along with the other Asian ingredients in this vinaigrette is ideal on tender greens...
A deliciously creamy Asian Sesame Ginger Dressing made with soy sauce, sesame oil, vinegar, and honey. Ready in 5 minutes and it is great to use as a vinaigrette...
This vinaigrette is great on any type of mixed green, pasta, or marinated vegetable salads. This recipe is an accompaniment for Tuscan White Bean Salad...